school field

Passed Culturelle(s) Action(s)

The Kor company in schools in Bondy

Compagnie Kor is in residence at Bondy's Jean Rostand elementary school in 2023-2024, offering students and teachers a series of workshops to discover and practice sport and musical juggling.

  • Residence action
  • [Intervenants]
  • Jean-Baptiste Diot

EAC Dance and Object Manipulation

As part of the Artistic and Cultural Education program in high schools and CFA (apprentice training centers) supported by the Ile-de-France region, the Maison des Jonglages is setting up a series of discovery, practical and creative workshops on dance and object manipulation for 3 high school classes.

  • Participatory workshop, Sports Education: circus module
  • [Intervenants]
  • Charlotte Marchal

Juggling practice course and creation of small numbers

La Maison des Jonglages is offering a class from the Lycée professionnel Belliard a juggling workshop and an introduction to the creation of small numbers as part of the Physical Education and Sports program.

  • Participatory workshop, Sports Education: circus module
  • [Intervenants]
  • Axel Martinez

EPI Circus

  • Sports Education: circus module
  • [Intervenants]
  • Axel Martinez


Art du Geste et Culinaire project - Juggling and Cooking

A series of cross-disciplinary workshops, combining object manipulation, body movement and culinary art, for three high school classes, led by a solid team combining expertise and energy: for culinary gesture, food-designer and performer Magali de Hoplastudio; for gesture and object arts, jugglers Dimas Tivane and Axel Martinez...

  • Participatory workshop
  • [Intervenants]
  • Dimas Tivane
  • Magali Wehrung

Discovering the Maison des Jonglages

The Maison des Jonglages is offering an afternoon workshop on juggling to a class of final-year students in the CAP (vocational training certificate) program for educational support for young children at the Lycée Liberté in Romainville, along with a visit to the Jean Houdremont cultural center and a discussion on the performing arts, and a presentation of the current creation "Tentative censée numéro 1" by Anton Euzenat, a professional juggler who recently graduated from the Académie Fratellini and is currently in residence at the Maison des Jonglages, followed by a discussion with the artist.

  • Participatory workshop
  • [Intervenants]
  • Axel Martinez

Artistic Spark Project

The Maison des Jonglages and the Léon Jouhaux middle school in Livry-Gargan are implementing a series of juggling workshops as part of the Physical and Sports Education program for 5th grade classes.

  • Sports Education: circus module

CHAM Bondy classes

The juggler Axel Chippi Martinez intervenes with flexible timetable classes at the music conservatory of Bondy to make discover to the students the manipulation of objects, the corporality and the movement in the optics to create a spectacle at the end of the year, put in scene by the company La Ravi.

©Thomas Brosset
  • Sports Education: circus module
  • [Intervenants]
  • Axel Martinez



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