Amateur training

Stage amateur / 2 days / Teenagers and adults


In this workshop, we'll talk about the origins of juggling, and the different throwing techniques, with one and then several balls. We'll be handling various apparatus such as balls, clubs and hoops, and we'll be tackling different techniques such as balancing, passing spikes and manipulating various objects through fun juggling games in pairs and groups.

We'll look at the trajectory of an object from point A to point B (approaching the different lines and how to work with them). The exercises and games on offer are designed to develop communication, imagination and cooperation through juggling.


Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th November 2023 / 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm at the Juggling studio in Houdremont, La Courneuve cultural center.

Informations tarifaires

To confirm your registration, please :

- Make a bank transfer of 60 euros, specifying "amateur course#1+ First and last name" (we'll send you a bank details slip with confirmation of your registration).

- Send a check of 60 euros to the order of the "Maison des Jonglages", to the following postal address
House of Juggling,
11 avenue du General Leclerc,
93120 La Courneuve.

Reduced rates possible, contact us :

Date limite d'inscription

Friday 24 November 2023

> Click here to register