© Camille Greenwell

Professional training

Formation professionnelle / 3 days


During this course, Sean proposes to look at choreographic approaches to juggling. You'll also learn about some of Gandini Juggling's repertoire, and discover different practical approaches to making objects. Sean will tailor the workshop to the needs of the participants, and the emphasis will be on having fun in the learning process.


Siteswap juggling notation is useful but not imperative.
Feel free to bring your own equipment.


Friday May 3 to Sunday May 5, 2024 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Informations tarifaires

To confirm your registration, please :
- Make a bank transfer of 150 euros, specifying "Formation Sean Gandini + First and last name" (ask for RIB at festival.maisonjonglages@gmail.com).

- Send a check for 150 euros to the order of "Maison des Jonglages", to the postal address:
Maison des Jonglages C/o Jean Houdremont Centre Culturel,
11 avenue du General Leclerc,
93120 La Courneuve

Date limite d'inscription

Thursday 02 May 2024

> Click here to register

Training mainly in English