©Camille La Verde

Professional training

Formation professionnelle / 3 days


From juggling to handling light materials: Handling floating objects is above all a matter of design and adjustment, as short-lived objects require constant attention.
Precise folding and permanent adjustments are one of the main points to understand in order to be able to live this floating experience.
Everyone can do it, but it's clear that juggling is the closest relative in terms of prerequisites.
From throwing to catching, you'll need to develop gentle intentions to preserve their lifespan.
From paper airplanes to unidentified floating objects, we'll try to deepen our technical knowledge of these everyday objects, which nonetheless possess astonishing flight capacities.
It's from nature, and more specifically pollinating seeds, that I've drawn inspiration to experiment with manipulable floating objects, that I'm going to share with you in detail.
1. Introductory prologue on the various floating objects in the common domain: - Rolling sheet tricks: propeller and glider.
- Indoor windless kites.
- Static electricity as a means of flight.
- Experiments with various unusual objects and materials.
And above all, the main types of pollinating seeds, which are the main source of inspiration for flying objects.
2. The paper airplane will be our starting point, as it's our common pot: we'll learn how to make paper airplanes worthy of the name, with the properties we're looking for.
- Flight time.
- Distance covered.
- Type of flight: vertical, floating, bionic acrobatic...
Once the objects have been made, we'll study how they work, first solo, then in duets, quartets etc., in the same way as we approach juggling (writing, solo and collective), so as to be in the ideal situation to tackle the research and creation of more personal floating scenes.
3. In the third stage, we'll work on surfable flying objects, i.e. juggling: the different families of floats and the method of construction.
How to build them and above all how to store them, an essential phase in juggling ephemeral objects.
4. Invent, research, practice: In this phase, we'll be giving free rein to our imagination and creativity to create our own experience of juggled and/or danced and/or poetic floats.

Informations tarifaires

To confirm your registration, please : - Make a bank transfer of 150 euros, specifying "Formation Fabrice Dominici + First and last name" (ask for RIB at festival.maisonjonglages@gmail.com) - Send a cheque for 150 euros payable to "Maison des Jonglages", to the following address: Maison des Jonglages, C/o Centre culturel Jean Houdremont, 11 avenue du Général Leclerc, 93120 La Courneuve, France.

Date limite d'inscription

Wednesday 29 January 2025

> Click here to register
  • Fratellini Academy
  • Du Friday 31 January 2025 (10:00)
  • au Sunday 02 February 2025
  • Price: 150€.