
À mesure – Handle with care

Accompany ME

Sortie de résidence

50 mins / From 8 years old / Saison culturelle / Résidence

  • Long form
  • Cyr wheel



Paces (working title) is the search for a common rhythm with another human being, the cadence that leads us on our path to the other. Through the shared language of the Cyr wheel, the two female artists bring to the stage a story that aims to show love, patience, risk and hope.

A show suitable for audiences aged 8 and upwards, and for everyone who likes to be touched by sensitivity and excitement.

Accompany ME

Accompany ME is an emerging circus company formed by Monika Neverauskaite and Elena Damasio. This is a project with international influence: the artists come from Italy and Lithuania, both educated and trained in the Netherlands. They live and work in Toulouse, France.

Accompany ME is an invitation to join Monika and Elena on their journey. This name underlines the importance of having a loved one by our side. Through their work, the two authors seek to offer their audience a moment of lightness as a counterweight to the more serious themes they tackle – all with all that the circus can offer in terms of language.

The company pursues the theme of gender equality, since it is created and performed by two women, in an egalitarian, non-hierarchical relationship.

The premiere is scheduled for June 2024 at the Cirkuliacija festival in Lithuania.


  • Artists :
  • Elena Damasio
  • Monika Neverauskaite
  • Outside views :
  • Marie Vela
  • Clémentine Dilé


Accompany ME is co-produced by Teatronas, which is funded by the Lithuanian Cultural Council.

With the support of Latitude 50 – Pôle des arts du cirque et de la rue. With the support of Subtopia, Stockholm; La Roseraie, Uccle (BE); l’Essieu du Batut, Murols (FR), l’École de Cirque Passing de Tarbes (FR) and la Maison des Jonglages, La Courneuve (FR, MJC Ponts Jumeaux and MJC Croix Daurade in Toulouse (FR).

Subsidized by : Sweden-Lithuania Cooperation Fund and Culture Moves Europe- Goethe Institut.