From Cartoon To Techno


45 mins / From 7 years old / Saison culturelle / Résidence

  • Balls


“Jack Born” is an old-fashioned professor who swallowed his lighter on his break. He is in a constant struggle to demonstrate his genius to an audience he despises as much as he seeks its admiration. He navigates his body, trying to stay on course. In his instability, he experiences delusions in the form of schizoid hallucinations, choreographic elucubrations and compulsive juggling.

Hyperactive juggling, a body of sound, the magic of hallucination, a theater of torpor, a dance for oneself.

Baptiste Jeannequin

I grew up in the suburbs of Paris, where I started juggling as a self-taught artist at the age of 16 to support my hyperactivity and fulfill a deep desire to create. I obtained my BPJEPS Cirque at Cherche Trouve in 2015. In 2017, I joined the artistic training program at the CRAC in Lomme for three years, specializing in juggling. I met a number of personalities who, each for their own particular reasons, influenced my artistic, scenic and technical approach, including: the PROTOCOLE collective (insitu creation), Gaëlle Bisellach-Roig (emotional juggling), Louise Wailly (Jester), Jean Daniel Fricker (juggling and Butoh), Rémi Darbois, not forgetting my friend Gilles Dodemont and Thibault Vuillemin and Thomas Hoëtzel, who accompanied me on my CRAC exit act “L’idiot”. I continue to train in contemporary and classical dance, taking part in weekly workshops and ERD at the CCN in Roubaix. I trained in physical theater and clowning with Jos Houben. Today I’m at FOCON at ESACTO LIDO in Toulouse, where I’m starting to write “From Cartoon to Techno”.


  • Artists :
  • Baptiste Jeannequin
  • Staging :
  • Louise Wailly
  • Costume design :
  • Elodie Sellier


Partners :

ESACTO Lido (Toulouse)

Théâtre de la Verrière (Lille)

Center Régional des Arts du Cirque (CRAC de Lomme)