

Vik and the Rababas

Saison culturelle / Résidence



Digitôle is a cacophonous juggling show with a techno essence and a patchwork visual from the depths of Emmaus, a quartet for three jugglers and a “musician” dedicated to what we commonly call a “Taule”.


Vik and the Rababas

The desire to confront the street was the primary engine of our artistic encounter. It was the necessary impulse for us to launch ourselves blindly into a first contact with the public. Some of these people have compared us to “visitors”, but we prefer the idea of primitives of the future. Armed with a restless and unstable juggling technique sprinkled with a convincing naivety, the clash of worlds was shattering, yet it served us as fuel to impose our rhythm on the streets of Brittany in the summer of 2020. That’s when we decided to create a real show.


  • Juggler :
  • Raphaël Jacob
  • Victor Gosset
  • Baptiste Ghibaudo
  • Baptiste Jeannequin