Paroles et Gestes Libres project at Fleury-Mérogis prison.

Action culturelle

  • Artistic action in prisons

La Maison des Jonglages is partnering with the Fleury-Mérogis Prison to set up a series of workshops on the art of gesture and the art of speech for prisoners. Axel Martinez, juggling artist, and David Le Rheun, actor, playwright and drama teacher at the Conservatoire, are running a series of workshops involving the body, objects and speech.


10 sessions of 3 hours, i.e. 30 hours of intervention with 10 inmates of the Fleury-Mérogis Penitentiary. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

  • Fleury-Mérogis prison
  • Le Friday 06 December 2024 (08:45)
  • Espace d'accueil : texte espace d'accueil
  • Restitution


The aim of these workshops is to invite participants to experiment with different approaches to movement, with or without objects, and to produce a few personal texts. One of the main aims is to improve mobility and the body’s involvement in space, but also to boost self-esteem through non-competitive personal productions, and to develop concentration and the ability to listen to others through cooperative group work. The work carried out in the workshop will give rise to a short performance of the texts and juggled choreographies at the Maison d’Arrêt.