©Fabrizio Solinas

Little Garden

Fabrizio Solinas

45 mins / For all / Saison culturelle


    The representation has passed

  • Open Gardens
  • Sunday 07 July 2024 / 16:00
  • Reception area :Rue Voltaire 91660 Méréville, Essonne, Île-de-France, France
  • Free

As part of Festival les Traverses and Jardins Ouverts

Little Garden is a performative show project, where juggling mingles with movements and cries, a project that is experienced as an animal safari, an incredible naturalistic immersion inspired by the codes of animal reportage, SF films or zoological visits.

Forests, humid environments or a simple black box: the animal, in the show as in the story, adapts, evolves, mutates…

In this way, each proposal is alive, shaped by the environment in which the animal-artist deploys himself: the play space feeds the performance, and the performance transforms the play space.

Nature takes over again for the duration of a performance,

Spectators discover the incredible defense mechanisms and courtship displays.

Dinosaurs, monkeys, birds, reptiles: these are the places now repopulated.

More information on the event

Fabrizio Solinas

Fabrizio Solinas started juggling at 11 years old. In 2012, he joined the FLIC school in Turin, Italy, for 2 years.
In 2014, he entered professional training at the Centre régional des arts du cirque de Lille-Lomme.

During a workshop with Clément Dazin, Fabrizio discovered his obsession with the animal world and its rituals.

At the end of his training in 2017, he presented a 10-minute numbered version of Little Garden, the first result of his research into juggling and zoomorphism.

The number will be presented at Turbulentes in Vieux Condé, at the Festival Rencontre des Jonglages (Petits Formats # 2) in La Courneuve, at the Festival Le Mans Fait son Cirque, and at the Jet Lag Festival in Amsterdam…

These first encounters with the public encouraged him to continue his work on animality and to imagine a longer format.

A series of immersive journeys into the animal world followed, inspiring Little Garden, a juggling solo set to the sole sound of the animal’s voice, embodying the animal’s courtship.

A 30-minute solo format was created in 2020, followed the same year by the ‘Safari Experience’ duo format.

Fabrizio also performed at the Paris Opera in La Bohème directed by Claus GUTH (2017).
He is also part of the performative creation project Run Run Run with Caio SORANA.

Fabrizio continues his artistic experimentation, notably in 2020 with Cie Khta via La ZEF- Zone d’Expérimentations Facilitées, where he spent 3 days behind a store window experimenting with the idea of a spectacular form of captivity.


  • Création :
  • Fabrizio Solinas
  • Perfomance :
  • Fabrizio Solinas dans le rôle du jongleur-animal
  • Simon Berger dans le rôle du guide
  • Outside views :
  • Johan Swartvagher
  • Nicolas Vercken
  • Cyril Casmèze
  • Pietro Selva Bonino
  • Costumes :
  • Mylie Maury
  • Dadoo Frison
  • Production and distribution :
  • Elodie Michalski
  • Production and Administration :
  • Milena Alvarez


Co-producers :

La Maison des Jonglages (La Courneuve)

Regional Center for Circus Arts (Lille-Lomme)

Groupe Geste(s)

Asso A la rue (Nevers)

FLIC (Turin-IT)

Institutional support :

Iportunus, European aid for creative mobility

Show approved by the Département du Nord for distribution support

Residencies and support:

Archaos – Pôle National Cirque (Marseille)

Château de Blandy, (Blandy les Tours)

Pôle régional Cirque des Pays de La Loire (Le Mans)

Latitude 50 – Pôle des arts du cirque et de la rue (Marchin-BE)

Center International des Arts en Mouvement (Aix-en-Provence)

Le Gymnase, Centre de développement chorégraphique national (Roubaix)

La Chambre d’eau (Le Favril)

Théâtre Massenet (Lille)

Le Poulailler (Chemillé)

SPPI (Trégueux)

Les Fous à Réaction- COOP (Armentières)

Garage 26 (Brussels-BE)

Animakt (Saulx-les-Chartreux)

Monkey Valley – (Romagne)

Cadir Studio – (Istambul-TUR)

Teatrazione (Turi-IT)