Editorial charter

Since 2019, the Jonglages magazine team has defined different principles of orientation that help both to deepen its editorial line and to characterize its mode of operation.

An address to a wider readership

The magazine is dedicated to people interested in different types of activities including juggling. Whether they are neophytes, practitioners or scientists, these people make up a broad spectrum of readers animated by a diversity of practices and works.

Open access through free access

The team of the magazine is committed to a policy of full and immediate open access to information. There is no charge for submitting and viewing contribution proposals. The content of the journal is immediately accessible, as soon as any contribution is published, and is intended to be accessible on a permanent basis. To do so, the magazine benefits from the support of the Maison des Jonglages and other occasional partners, as well as the help of contributors and members of the committees that ensure its proper functioning (editorial, scientific and reading committees).

Demanding contents and methods

The journal’s team is committed to applying a certain rigor to each editorial task. Such a challenge, inspired by the academic publishing environment, implies a processing of contributions that can be lengthy.

A modular architecture

The journal aims to highlight formats and modalities of expression adapted to the contribution proposals, as well as to the skills that the contributors wish to mobilize. This online platform can be accompanied by or even make room for other publication media (printed version, readings, screenings, exhibitions, etc.).

A simple and adapted consultation

The look of the magazine is inspired by both the sobriety and creativity of independent magazines and editorial projects carried out by production and distribution centers. The consultation experience is designed with the pleasures of reading, seeing and listening as the main priorities.

Inclusive writing practices

In order to contribute to the development of non-sexist and non-binary writing, the team of the magazine resorts as much as possible to the use of inclusive writing. It considers not only its possible combinations, but also its open and evolving linguistic revisions. While taking care to respect the stylistic requirements of each contribution, the choices of publication adopted tend to reconcile a concern for formal harmonization with that of experimenting with different formulations.