
Brochure 17th edition!

2024: the end of a cycle and the start of a new adventure!

Let’s celebrate this 17thedition of the Rencontre des Jonglages festival, the last to be held in La Courneuve, by turning the spotlight on the men and women, sometimes less visible, who forge the unique identity of the Maison des Jonglages.

We’re a team of five permanent members, and on a daily basis we use juggling in almost every area of community life. Our work is regularly strengthened, concretized and brought to light thanks to our partners: technicians, an illustrator-graphic artist, set designers, a photographer, a videographer, a web developer, a press officer, and many other essential collaborations.

La Maison des Jonglages is also an association with members who volunteer their time, and who are there to listen and provide unfailing support to keep us on course.

La Maison des Jonglages wouldn’t exist without its partners: local associations working closely with local residents, schools and cultural venues that are firmly rooted in the community and open to the world.

And of course, there’s no Maison des Jonglages without the artists who are at the heart of the project!
They enrich juggling by producing ever more inventive and surprising works.

This hyperactive anthill promotes the creativity of juggling, its educational dimension, its playful and sporting aspects, and its theoretical resources, from mathematics to physiology to the history of the arts and the stage.

Well done to everyone for a job well done over the past 17 years!

AND bravo to you, the audience! Families, children, the curious, professionals: with you, all our work takes on a new meaning!
Thanks to the town of La Courneuve for its support over 17 years, and to the institutions that have supported this unique project in France and Europe from the outset.

Finally, a big thank you to the town of Bondy for its commitment to supporting the development of the Maison des Jonglages in the years to come!

Long live this effervescent little world of contagious passion!

Vincent Berhault
Director, Maison des Jonglages

Loup Romer